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According to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Reporting Initiatives Sustainable Development Reporting Standards (GRl Standards), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards (SASB Standards), and relevant regulatory requirements, Xiamen ITG Group continuously improves the companys practical level in Environmental, Social and Governance, and discloses relevant reports for multiple years to explain the companys work and effectiveness in sustainable development to stakeholders. In 2023, the company was awarded the Excellent Practice Case of ESG for Listed Companies issued by the China Association of Listed Companies.

Since 2008, the Company has published its Social Responsibility Report for 13 consecutive years and, for the past two years, has also released an English and Chinese version of its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report, proactively disclosing the Company’s achievements in areas such as environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance. The Company’s ESG practices have been selected by the China Listed Companies Association as a "Case study for ESG practices of listed companies".

Xiamen ITG Group actively respond to the call of the country,and has set the own carbon peak and carbon neutrality action goals with upholding the concept of green development, which is striving to achieve comprehensive peak carbon emissions by 2030, and achieve the vision of carbon neutrality by 2060. 

Xiamen ITG Group has formulated five core action strategies to achieve carbon neutrality, and is committed to integrating digital intelligence, green development and product life cycle concepts into integrated supply chain services through technological innovation, so as to promote the low-carbon transformation of its own operations and the whole value chain.

"ITG OCSMARTER", the intelligent energy and carbon management system, takes the industrial internet as its foundation to carry out carbon neutrality projects. It aims to offer digital tools for energy and greenhouse gas emission management to ensure precise emission reduction in the industry.Xiamen ITG Group cooperates with green mines focusing on sustainable development, and expands the trade of recycled steel materials to promote the low-carbon development of the steel industry. The company gives priority to the procurement of sustainable wood and lays out the green pulp and paper market to carry out waste paper trade, and promotes the green development of the "forest-pulp-paper" industry.

Xiamen ITG Group actively fulfill the role of state-owned enterprises, through industrial assistance, empowerment and other ways to help increase grain production and income, and support the rural revitalization strategy. The company optimizes the working mode of "the Construction of the Party + assistance".

The company deeply integrates the concept of ESG, and continuously improves the level of governance to enhance the resilience to cope with sustainable development risks and stimulates innovation vitality, and also enhances value creativity and brand influence through digital empowerment.The board of directors of the company has been awarded the "Best Practice Case of the Board of Directors of Listed Companies in 2023" by the China Association of Listed Companies for its scientific, professional, and efficient governance level; Received the "Best Board of Directors" award at the "China Listed Company Board of Directors Gold Roundtable Award" by the Board of Directors magazine.

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