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As a long-term public welfare brand promoted by Xiamen ITG Group,  "Caring for Dreams" is dedicated to serving public welfare undertakings, involving urban key project construction, culture, education and public health, poverty alleviation, donations for students, disaster relief and so on. The company has won the title of "Annual Charity Donation Entity" for many years and enrolled in the list of Listed Company with CSR. 

On 18 May 2020, Xiamen ITG Group released the public welfare brand image "AMO". 

In the future, Xiamen ITG Group will continue to fulfill its social responsibilities as a listed state-owned company, actively engage in public welfare undertakings, perform public welfare activities, enhance the "Caring for Dreams" brand, build bridges of love for more people in need, and spread warmth and love to the society.

0 million RMB
The company’s investment in public welfare in 2023
0 hours
Total volunteer service hours in 2023
0 person-time
Total times of volunteering in 2023
和龙市| 景泰县| 乐亭县| 山阳县| 陆川县| 罗定市| 安阳市| 苗栗县| 乳山市| 新余市| 渝北区| 大厂| 扬中市| 深泽县| 岑巩县| 会同县| 崇义县| 临桂县| 天峨县| 景宁| 乌兰县| 谢通门县| 夏河县| 梅州市| 南雄市| 镇康县| 简阳市| 安阳县| 楚雄市| 凤山县| 苍山县| 汝南县| 博客| 东源县| 元氏县| 商水县| 莒南县| 二连浩特市| 卢氏县| 柳林县| 南投市|